web site is the outgrowth of a trilogy of books based on first-hand
accounts written by men, women, and children who were in San Francisco
during the period 1835-1906. Its primary purpose is to share some of these
stories with a wider audience than can be reached by the books alone.
Secondly, we hope the site will encourage peoplewherever in the world
they may beto share with us any similar first-person accounts they may
have, either in their own family possession or at their local libraries or
historical societies
first-hand accounts are emotional bridges to the past, revealing human
frailties with which many of us today can relate. They give us insight
into what it must have been like living through historic events or time
frames. In other words, they give
life to history!
San Francisco City Hall
took 26 years to build at a cost of $6,000,000. Photo: Courtesy Gary Sterling Below is a list of extracts
you can read on this site. For a broader idea of topics and names included
in the books (not necessarily on this site), use the search feature. For
the sake of authenticity, no attempt has been made to modernize the
spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure in these stories. 1835
Before Golden Gate Bridge was built.
Richard Henry Dana