More San Francisco Memoirs 1852 - 1899


List of illustrations
In search of stories (Preface)
Call it Frisco!
A city matures (Introduction)

The '50s
Shampoo, shave, and oysters Frank Marryat
A bloody confrontation Théophile de Rutté
"To the beach!"
Henry Vere Huntley
Foreign quarters Charles Warren Stoddard
A day of discovery Charles Warren Stoddard
William Taylor
Vigilante justice William Orville Ayres
"It looks very like war" Mary Jane Megquier
The first of the Mohicans Eliza Woodson Farnham
The Apollo Balls Amelia Ransome Neville
Luxury and decay Louis Laurent Simonin
"Two Years" plus 24
Richard Henry Dana Jr.

The '60s
Homes, humble and haughty Charles Warren Stoddard
California women Louis Laurent Simonin
Broken reverie T. A. Barry and B. A. Patten
Civil war! Amelia Ransome Neville
An Englishwoman's view of the war Isabelle Saxon
The Emperor Norton Oscar P. Fitzgerald
The zealous poundmaster Albert S. Evans
Bummer & Lazarus Isabelle Saxon
The last days of Bummer Mark Twain
Early morning at the Cliff House Mark Twain
"The cussedest place for women" Samuel Bowles
Earthquake! Amelia Ransome Neville
A bath interrupted Louis Laurent Simonin
Mortal terror Edward Bosqui
A second Birmingham William Fraser Rae

The '70s
The Barbary Coast Albert S. Evans
Steamer from China Albert S. Evans
A London parson comes to town Harry Jones
"There is little or nothing to see" Anthony Trollope
Hoodlums and hash-houses Samuel Williams
Drawing the line Samuel Williams
Tourists in an opium den Mrs. Frank Leslie
City of enchantment Guillermo Prieto
Lost in the big city! Guillermo Prieto
Feverish activity Guillermo Prieto
Sunday in the park "Simple Simon"

The '80s
The matinee parade Anonymous
Tea with the natives Rudyard Kipling

The '90s
"The Dumps" James Fell
A true breath from the sea James Fell
Fin de Siècle
Amelia Ransome Neville

Resource Notes
Illustration sources
About the author

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