San Francisco Memoirs 1835 - 1851


Bar room in California.  
San Francisco from the bay, 1847.
Map: San Francisco in 1849-1850.
Map: San Francisco/Monterey region.
The yerba buena plant.
San Francisco in 1848 and 1849.
William Antonio Richardson.
Samuel Brannan's house in 1847.
Euphemia as a jail; Apollo as a saloon.
Burnt district after May 1851 fire. 
The admission of California as a state.
The city's first seal, adopted Nov.1852.
San Francisco circa 1846-1847.
Richard Henry Dana.
White Cliff Point.
Steve Richardson.
The first Fourth of July celebration.
Captain Montgomery raises the flag.
The Mormon ship, Brooklyn.
Commodore Robert F. Stockton.
Schedule for the governor's visit.
Ann Eliza Brannan.
Samuel Brannan and his family.

The Parker House when first opened.
The City Hotel.
Vicente Pérez Rosales.
A familiar scene in gambling saloons.
The Port of San Francisco, June 1849.
"Restless sleepers."
A portable iron house.
Bayard Taylor.
James J. Ayers.
The Rev. William Taylor.
A familiar sight at the post office.
Mary Jane Megquier.
T. A. Barry & B. A. Patten.
Sarah Royce.
Chinese costumes.
The city from Clay Street, 1850.
The Jenny Lind Theater.
Exporting women to California.
Happy Valley, in 1849.
Dennison's Exchange before first fire.
Théophile de Rutté.
Fire approaches wharves, May 1851.
The sixth major fire, June 22, 1851.

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